Sunday 4 September 2005

lazy day

It's quiet-time here in the go-by household - Rosey is conked out in her crib, clutching her bunny's ear, all curled up like a little shrimp and dreaming. Cass has enticed his Dad into his bed ('Read to me! READ TO ME!!) and now I can hear the sounds of Bear trying to rest, irritably mumbling things like 'Don't put your fingers on my eyes, Cass. I can't sleep when you do that.'

Me? I'm on the computer, listening to the house calm down. The big blond kitty just threw up a nice hairball (he's the one that social grooms the others) and I guess I'm waiting to see if there will be a repeat performance.

When naps are over, we're going to the library, the farmers market, and probably the playground, 'cause he'll need a romp.

And now (politely smothering a yawn) I think I shall amble off meself.

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