Saturday 10 June 2006



Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?

this quiz was made by Lori Fury

Somehow, this makes me sound as if I should be starring in a Tampax commercial, leaping through daisies.


Anonymous said...

Anne of fucking CLEVES??! Ferfucksake.

God dammit, I wanted to be Anne Boleyn. At least she was an interesting harlot.

Did I tell you I took out David Strachey's Wives of Henry VIII on cd? Yeah, I know. I'm a geek.

TCBIM forgot to sign out of blogger again.....that was me, deleting.

Anonymous said...

Go for it girlfriend. Be whoever
U want to be.

MsCellania said...

Congratulations! You are Anne Boleyn!

Anne Boleyn was Henry's second wife. Henry tore the world apart to marry Anne, but few could figure out why: she wasn't beautiful, she wasn't rich, and she hardly had a drop of noble blood. She was also black-haired and thin in an age when plump blondes without eyebrows were the height of beauty.
Anne Boleyn was a woman who turned the world upside down. She was outspoken, intelligent and neurotic. She ended up on the block when Henry tired of her, but for six years, Anne Boleyn brought England to it's knees.

Well, that sounds about right.

Angewl said...

I guess I will be running through the fields in a tampon commercial with you. lol

My float said...

I'm Anne of Cleves. Sensible?Practical? Not afraid to wear ugly shoes? Worst of all ... the Flanders mare? Begone, henry the eighth!

Jess said...

Julia - I'll always think of you as a harlot, promise.

anonymous - thanks! Come back sometime!

vickee - I like the part about bringing England to its' knees - we should all have such power!

Ang - Good company. Do you want to wear the smocked dress, or the one with the angel-floaty sleeves?

myfloat - nooooo! Not the ugly shoes!

Major Bedhead said...

Oh thank you, dgb. :D Whadda pal.

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