Thursday 23 October 2008

wile e coyote, first grader

We were driving home when Cass piped up.

"Dad, Dad! I want to decorate for Halloween!"

Bear nodded. "I think your Mom has some stuff she wants to do...."

"No! I want to take a jack-o-lantern? And put ketchup in it? And then we can run a rope up by the door, so when trick-or-treaters come by, when we open the door...."

"Cass! That's horrible! How'd you like to get all wet when you went trick-or-treating?" I made horrified mother noises and peered in the back, where the fruit of my loins was rolling his eyes at me.

He gave me the duh! look. "I know that. No, we could put a rope up on the roof - we'd put a pulley up there, (and here's where I went into a sort of fugue, thinking 'My baby! Where has mah baybee gone?? He used to be so sweet!).......and then when we pulled it, the water would spill into the pumpkin...and it would look like blood was coming out of it!"

B looked at me. "Where does he get this stuff?"

I fretted. "I don't know! Do you think it's that boy X in his class? I mean, I know he's rough, but Cass seems to like him, and they had a good time this summer on the..."

Bear was shaking his head. "No, Jess. Not that. This pulley idea he's talking about? The way he's described it, it"


Suzanne said...

Super Genius! :)

MARY G said...

I have a neighbour old enough to know better who rigged a rope between the house and the barn one Hallowe'en and the older kids took turns swooping down it on a pulley, wrapped in a sheet and screaming ghoulishly.
It's a guy thing, he told me as I turned pale.
I promise not to tell Cass.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I miss living someplace where we actually have trick-or-treaters. Everyone is too far away now.

witchypoo said...

It's a guy thang. Daddy is proud.

Woman in a Window said...

HA! Boys...bad, bad boys. I've got a post in the brew about my bad boys. Well, kinda.

Anonymous said...

Ahh. That's what I love about Halloween, the creativity and fiendishness of it all.

kitrona said...

It HAS to be a boy thing... my older one gets these crazy ideas all the time, ideas that would work. It's a little scary... thank goodness the little one's too little to collaborate with him!

Linda said...

LOL! Aw Jess, at least you have Rosey. :-)

Anonymous said...

And dad and son will go off into the sunset of Big Plans and creative Halloween gory-ness.

As Witchypoo says, "It's a guy thang."

Dani said...

They are born with the little devious engineering minds. I have proof X3 in my house, lol!

crazymumma said...

Its an awesome idea! My kids would love it!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome. What a smarty pants.

Missives From Suburbia said...

I always wanted to do something like that when I was a kid. It's definitely the Warner Bros. cartoons. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL - at least you know what is going on inside his head! Congrats on the future rocket scientist.

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